
Study 8

I thought I’d look at some more of the lies that we believe that block us from walking in our true identity. In the book ‘The Search for Significance’ the author identifies some of the lies that we believe about ourselves that hinder our destiny! I have already covered one of them in the study called the Performance Trap.

Others ones that we find ourselves believing are that:

‘I must be approved of or accepted by certain others to feel good about myself’ (fear of rejection)
‘Those who fail (including myself) are   unworthy of love and deserve to be punished. This looks like blaming ourselves and others, giving yourself or others no room to fail, to relax and feel “ok”.

‘I am what I am: I cannot change: I am hopeless’ (Feeling shame about a past mistake or sin, feeling like there is something wrong with you).

I have personally believed those lies, and have experienced the consequences of them like feeling self-conscious, self-hatred, depression, anxiety, perfectionism, fear, being someone who was easily manipulated, accepting things for which I am not responsible for,shame, feeling inferior, feeling bad about myself, withdrawing from others(hiding who I really am).

My adult life has been a journey of God exposing each lie to me, and Him replacing it with his truth of what he says about me(renewing my mind). I can now say I know who I am in Christ, my thinking, health and relationships have been healed because of it. To God be the Glory!

Study Questions

How has learning about these lies impacted you?

Have you experienced the consequences of believing and live out of those lies?

Do you want to be free of them? Ask God to show you which lie that he would like to replace with His truth right now ( you may want to go through the study of who are you to find out His truth).

i R.S (1997) Houston & Dallas:Rapha Publishing

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